Retirement from work gave me the opportunity to re-kindle my love for sewing and knitting. I decided to see if my items would sell on Ebay and was surprised and delighted when I discovered customers were happy with my efforts and I got some lovely feedback.

I continue to sell on Ebay occasionally, but now prefer Etsy which offers a far larger selling platform for my makes. A whole new world (literally) opened up to me. I have had customers from Canada, USA, S Korea, Germany, Italy, France and Australia.

I love making sew together bags and have sold over 250 to date in various colours and styles.
No two are ever the same. I love their individuality.
I have made lots of hand knitted baby shawls.
These are always popular and I can make to order if a specific colour is requested.
Other knitted items include baby cardigans, toddler pullovers etc.

Nappy bags make great gifts for a new mum or an emergency kit to keep at Grandma’s.
Upholstery Project

I just love making and am always open to new requests. I’ll have a go at anything.